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Jinglz to launch AI-driven audience insights platform CampaignTester™



Reading Time: 3 minutes

As the United States heads into another election cycle, and one of the most crowded presidential primary races in our country’s history, it is estimated political campaigns for U.S. federal office will spend $6 billion on paid media this year, with a 20% share directed to digital channels, according to a report by Kandar Media.

Campaign advertisers gearing up for the cycle will have at their disposal a new tool designed to reduce and streamline media spending, increase campaign success, and ensure media efforts successfully drive candidate recognition and positive association among voters. The tool is called CampaignTester, and it is the brainchild of South Florida-based advertising-technology company Jinglz, one of more than 50 #PoweredByRokk3r companies created and developed in partnership with multinational tech co-builder Rokk3r Inc. (OTC: ROKK).

CampaignTester is a first-of-its-kind artificial intelligence/machine learning-driven solution that streamlines A/B testing for media campaigns and delivers aggregate data points that can help marketers across all sectors determine how engaging a particular media campaign is, what emotions it elicits, and how to best re-tool to ensure it is accurately interpreted by audiences. By leveraging a patent-pending technology dubbed Emotiontrac™, as a video plays through its mobile app, CampaignTester™ identifies and tabulates changes in a viewer’s emotional response to content in real time. The emotional data is reported back second-by-second for review and analysis.

Focus groups have historically been marketers’ sole resource in determining consumers’ perception of a person, product or service before a campaign is released en masse, at which point the message cannot be recalled or modified. The model, however, leaves much to be desired. For one, focus groups are costly, with the price tag on average for a single session hovering between $25,000 and $50,000. They are ultimately misleading, as they tap into a limited segment of a target demographic, yielding disproportionate results that endanger the mass appeal of advertising efforts. CampaignTester addresses these inefficiencies by leveraging sophisticated technologies that lowers end-user costs. With pricing starting at under $500, tests yield highly precise results across large audiences, while also delivering features previously unavailable to marketers, such a second-by-second engagement insights.

“We’re excited to be launching a tool that empowers marketers to test content quickly and effectively, and at a time during which CampaignTester’s utility will be particularly high,” said Jinglz CEO Aaron Itzkowitz. “We’ve had a vision for how technology could positively impact marketing and change how content reaches audience en masse for years, so it’s thrilling to be so close to unveiling CampaignTester.”

CampaignTester is easy to use. A marketer simply uploads a video to the CampaignTester platform, uploads a list of recipient testers,  and has the option to offer an incentive to entice viewers to engage with the uploaded content through a mobile app. Once videos are delivered and viewed, the marketers gain insights by reviewing a summary of the test results on a dashboard accessible in their online account. They can then download streamlined data points which include second-by-second emotional responses at what point a specific emotion – sadness, happiness, or anger, for example – occurred by the individual viewer.


CampaignTester provides audience lists for its users using an intuitive form that can invite viewers to view content based on demographic and geographic specifications provided by the user, making the process seamless.

“CampaignTester is a testament to the power of technology to disrupt the status quo, at a fraction of the cost,” said Juan Montoya, Rokk3r Inc. Chief Cobuild Officer. “With this platform, marketers in any field have access to valuable insights through a process that is no more complicated or time-consuming than filling out a survey. We expect this to have significant impact on upcoming elections cycle, as well as consumer marketing for companies of all sectors. We are proud to have played a role in the development of this platform and look forward to seeing its positive impact materialize for years to come.”


SOURCE Rokk3r Inc.



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