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First Steps into a Parallel Virtual Reality Universe powered by Blockchain with Artur Sychov (Somnium Space) at TCE2019 Prague



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Founder and CEO of Somnium Space will have a keynote presentation about a bold and visionary concept at PICANTE TECH Conference Europe 2019.


Earlier this year, Somnium Space announced that they are super excited and busy building a bold vision of turning virtual into reality as we create an open, social Virtual Reality world.

The team is excited because ever since the beginning, their true vision is to create a world which will fulfill even the wildest dreams of everyone who decides to join (as well as their childhood dreams) and fully immerse its citizens into parallel reality.


In order to achieve their mission, there are several important parts of puzzle which have to be gradually implemented in order to create a true alternative reality world which come under the forms of:

  1. Stunningly looking, constantly changing persistent Virtual Reality environment (world) which can be explored by thousands of people at the same time.
  2. Ability to create, build and express yourself and, share and explore creations of others.
  3. Fully own and monetize your creations. Be a true and the only owner of your creations. Make money by selling your items in the open and independent marketplaces. Be a part of fully working economy.

All those steps mentioned above are crucial for a world which will exist for hundreds of years from now. The team at Somnium Space has already implemented Step 1 where people are currently enjoying themselves inside their persistent and beautiful VR World. The amazing team has already developed a fully functioning world full of events, gatherings and fun places to explore. People are enjoying live concerts, educational talks and sports competitions or simply sitting in the park and watching birds flying by…

This may sound like one of the recent movies that has shaken up the VR industry, but you need to experience it yourself to believe it.

The project doesn’t stop here as the two other steps need to be implemented and there are also some incredible ideas that involve the use of blockchain and a decentralized economy.

But, in order to hear more about this bold vision is being converted into reality, you need to attend Artur Sychov’s keynote presentation which will take place during PICANTE TECH Conference Europe (TCE2019).

REGISTER HERE to secure your seat!


PICANTE TECH Conference Europe (TCE2019) will take place in Prague on the 3rd of September at Vienna House Andel’s Prague.

About Artur Sychov

Artur is a Founder and CEO of Somnium Space. He has worked as an investment trader for many years before becoming a serial entrepreneur. Previously he has founded several startups and holds patents for hardware inventions which he has implemented into the market. Artur strongly believes in the ultimate future of Virtual Worlds which will bring society to the next evolutionary level.

PICANTE Tech Conference Europe is designed to bring both people and knowledge together and provides the excellent ecosystem of networking and learning opportunities without interruptions with emphasis on comfort and communication. After learning from genuine world-class experts and wayseers, meeting achievers shaping the B2B ecosystem, all attendees will get the chance to grab a drink and relax while networking at the evening social gathering.




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