In an innovative effort to revolutionize digital financial education, a prominent digital currency provider has teamed up with a renowned university in Taiwan. This strategic collaboration...
In a recent court appeal, Binance argued that it does not specifically target Canadian customers, claiming its activity in Canada is merely a byproduct of its...
Following the lead of states like Florida, Alaska, Oregon, Maine, and North Carolina, North Dakota has moved to block Binance.US from regaining its money transmitter license....
Nabatech Chooses Polkadot’s Substrate for Central Bank Digital Asset Platform Nabatech, a Swiss digital asset specialist, has selected Polkadot’s Substrate blockchain framework to develop its digital...
South African Revenue Services (SARS) Intensifies Scrutiny on Crypto Traders Crypto traders in South Africa have begun receiving notices from the South African Revenue Services (SARS)...
Relio Introduces Crypto-Friendly Business Accounts for Web3 Companies Relio, a neo-bank focused on serving SMEs and startups, has launched crypto-friendly business accounts tailored for Web3 companies....
India Intensifies Crackdown on Cryptocurrency Exchanges with Major Penalty India’s crackdown on cryptocurrency exchanges has escalated with a significant $2.2 million penalty imposed on a prominent...
Bitwave and Stellar integration
VICTORIA, Seychelles, June 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Bitget, the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, announced the expansion of the partnership with Ethena, a synthetic...