App, Game, Drama, and Production Management Studio Good Luck 3, Inc., located in Fukuoka, Japan and led by CEO Kazuhisa Inoue, initiated a Crowdfunding campaign through “FUNDINNO” on November...
NEW YORK, Dec. 02, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FMW introduces eight (8) new exciting blockchain crypto companies commencing TV series on “Exploring The Block” in December...
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 02, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. (TSX-V: REVO) (“the Company”) is pleased to announce an update. RevoluVIP To Add 37,269...
Dublin, Dec. 02, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “End User Priorities in Digital Transformation, Asia-Pacific, 2019” report has been added to’s offering. The overall research...
Softbank’s SBC Wallet Cards (Softbank Card 3.0) will be officially released on November 27. SBC Wallet Cards improve the shortcomings of traditional wallets by providing better security and access. The SBC Wallet Cards utilizes its own encryption system, realizes multiple...
TORONTO, Nov. 28, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Six months after announcing a Series B round, Toronto-based FinTech KOHO is pleased to close an extension with $25...
KPMG in China, Australia and Japan today launched KPMG Origins, a blockchain-based “track and trace” platform to support industries including agriculture, resources, manufacturing and financial services. The platform has been...
Recently, MultiVAC – the public blockchain known as ‘Sharding Killer’ received an interview from the top one Korean blockchain media CoinNess. Dr. Shawn Ying, the...
Klaytn, the leading blockchain project led by the South Korean Internet giant Kakao, is bringing blockchain disruption to the Asian market. Its Governance Council, the consortium of...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Right after the 2008 World Financial Crisis, a new sector has dominated the financial industry scene. We’re talking about the FinTech sector....