Renowned venture capitalist Tim Draper announced a collaboration between Draper University and Stellar to accelerate and fund up to 80 startups over the next two years...
A New York judge will soon address complex regulatory issues in the case involving Richard Heart, founder of the crypto token Hex. The SEC has accused...
Binance, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced adjustments to the tick size (the minimum change in the unit price) of specific spot trading pairs. These adjustments...
According to an official announcement released on May 16, 2024, OKX will introduce new USDC trading pairs in the spot trading section between 7:00 am and...
ShibaSwap, the decentralized exchange (DEX) affiliated with the Shiba Inu ecosystem, has announced a significant upgrade by migrating to the Shibarium blockchain. This move is expected...
Today, the crypto market experienced a significant boost following the release of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, indicating a decrease in the inflation rate. This...
Subsquid, a Web3 data access layer, has forged a partnership with Google following a successful fundraising effort of $17.5 million across multiple rounds, as reported in...
Mastercard, a global leader in payments, has introduced five Blockchain startups to their ‘Start Path Blockchain and Digital Assets program’ as part of their efforts to...
Binance, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange, has introduced the Liquidity Pairing Program to bolster its platform’s services and liquidity. This initiative aims to facilitate connections between projects...
CNBC Crypto World presents up-to-date news and daily trading insights from the digital currency markets. It offers viewers a glimpse into future prospects through prominent interviews,...