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Madame Rachida Dati, French Minister of Culture, has granted official recognition to thierry Ehrmann’s Abode of Chaos as a ‘total work of art’, the global headquarters of Artprice by Artmarket.




PARIS, March 24, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — La Demeure du Chaos (“The Abode of Chaos” – dixit the New York Times) was conceived in 1999 as “a mirror of our world” by thierry Ehrmann. Besides his many business accomplishments, his certified biography in Who’s Who In France describes Ehrmann as a ‘visual artist since 1980’.

The Abode of Chaos is managed by a contemporary art museum baptised “Organe” and located in the village of Saint-Romain-Au-Mont-d’Or just outside Lyon, France.

This unique open-air museum spans 7,555m² and features a one-of-a-kind museum trail set in the heart of nature. Open to the public free of charge, it was conceived as a total work of art, ensuring accessibility and inclusion for all audiences, in line with the vision of its founder and creator, thierry Ehrmann. It is classified by the Prefecture as an ERP open-air museum. Since its opening in 2006, the Contemporary Art Museum has received 2.5 million visitors free of charge, 25% of whom are from outside France.

In 25 years, the Abode of Chaos has been the subject of nearly 3,600 written and audiovisual press reports from 72 countries. Its activities are followed around the world by more than 10.9 million subscribers on its social media accounts and it counts 720,000 signatories to the petition for its preservation and recognition by France’s public authorities.  

The Abode of Chaos has three imposing buildings dating back to 1630 that have been completely re-sculpted in an alchemical transmutation that gave birth to nearly 7,200 distinct works of art created by thierry Ehrmann. Each work has its original name, its original medium and its original shape. There are 4,500 laser-sculpted steel artworks, some weighing several hundred tons. There are also portraits, paintings, street artworks, mural engravings, installations, digital artworks created with AI, works of land art and an all-encompassing electronic system, which together constitute a ‘total work of art’:


France’s Minister of Culture, Madame Rachida Dati has officially recognized in a letter dating 20 March, 2025 thierry Ehrmann’s Abode of Chaos as a total work of art in the following terms:

“Dear Sir,

For several years you have been practicing a proteiform artistic activity alongside your energetic development of Artprice, the company you founded.

Not long ago, you drew the attention of one of my predecessors and my ministerial services (DRAC and DGCA) to the complex situation surrounding the product of your artistic activity: the Abode of Chaos.

Originally an old farm in the Monts du Lyonnais, you made the property your personal residence as well as the headquarters of your company Artprice. At the same time, you developed a multi-faceted and abundant artistic project on the entire site, part of which has National Historical Monument protection, called “La Demeure du Chaos” (Abode of Chaos). This project, which integrates the architecture of the existing building as well as its surroundings, while preserving and respecting the remains of an old Protestant cemetery, is a total work of art, in perpetual evolution. It’s primary artistic objective is to reflect the historical and societal convulsions at the end of the 20th century and the promises and uncertainties of our 21st century. The work is both indoors and outdoors, integrating public and private spaces, notably those dedicated to the daily activities of your company.


Its integrated contemporary art museum offers a hallucinatory and fascinating promenade through the recesses of human memory via portraits of the prominent personalities of our modern era, as well as key quotes, sculptures and architectural extensions that modify the existing buildings. Repurposed car and plane wrecks also play a key role, alongside contemporary ‘factories’ installed in the park.

I would like to inform you that my ministerial department officially recognizes the value of this unique work, which I understand is in perpetual motion and will only stop evolving when you are no longer.

According to Madame Dati, thierry Ehrmann’s work, “is in line with great ‘total works of art’ like Postman Cheval’s Ideal Palace and the Cyclops in Milly la Forêt…

By this letter I wish to inform you that the Ministry of Culture recognizes the artistic value of the work already created and encourages you to continue it.”  

Recognition by public authorities constitutes the highest point in the process of protecting the artworks of the Abode of Chaos and, with regard to the law, it is the principal factor that triggers the work’s inclusion in the History of Art and its preservation for posterity. The different protection measures constitute a subsidiary factor, while the Minister offers a range of legal solutions to allow the transmission of the Abode of Chaos to future generations:


“I also hope that a dialogue can be initiated with State Services and in particular with the Regional Prefecture and the Regional Office of Cultural Affairs (DRAC), in both directions.

The first concerns allowing greater access to the Abode by extending the openings hours that you already practise.

The second concerns implementing the right conditions to ensure the sustainability, conservation and accessibility of the Abode to future generations. I will also ask my services, both central and decentralized, to collaborate with your teams to examine the various legal frameworks that could be used to allow the perennity and transmission of the Abode to future generations: endowment fund, a protected foundation, or a foundation recognized as being of public utility, or any other suitable device.”

With great emotion, upon reading this letter, thierry Ehrmann – founder of Artprice, historian and visual sculptor – cannot help but reflect on the extensive study he dedicated to the sculptor Constantin Brancusi:

“Exactly a century ago, the U.S. High Court (Brancusi/USA) redefined the cognitive value of a work of art through a landmark trial involving Constantin Brancusi’s The Bird in Space. Today, after 25 years of legal struggle, France, through its Minister of Culture, Madame Rachida Dati, has officially recognized the value of my work, defining it as unique through my artistic creation embodied in The Abode of Chaos and its total work of art. Furthermore, it acknowledges that my work is in constant evolution and encourages me to continue, while supporting its dissemination, conservation, and sustainability. This moment forms a true ‘mise en abîme‘, linking Brancusi’s The Bird and his portrait painted in my studio at the heart of The Abode of Chaos. It represents both my Great Alchemical Work and my 45 years of artistic creation. I receive this recognition with deep gratitude towards the Minister of Culture, her team, and all my long-standing supporters, as we mark the 25th anniversary of the Abode of Chaos. Today, France, through the voice of its Minister of Culture, is writing a new chapter in the history of art.”


The process of recognition and legal protection of the Abode of Chaos relies on in part, on the creation of an in-depth bilingual architectural study titled “The Abode of Chaos: Gesamtkunstwerk & Singular Architecture”. This study is now freely accessible to the public at:

The brief description provided in this press release is not exhaustive. The reader is encouraged to consult the typescript for a comprehensive reading of the referenced works.

The study examines the Abode of Chaos from a historical, archaeological, sociological, artistic, architectural and scientific points of view, with the help of international experts, distinguished professors,  and multidisciplinary researchers.

This Study constituted the core requests led by Sandra Béchiche – Director of thierry Ehrmann’s office, in charge of international relations and heritage conservation, for legal protection addressed to the French Ministry of Culture, and more specifically to the General Director of the General Department of Artistic Creation (DGCA) in the person of Christopher Miles, as well as to Marc Drouet, Regional Director of Cultural Affairs Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (DRAC AURA).


These initiatives began in December 2019 in order to obtain recognition from the public authorities of thierry Ehrmann’s total work of art, and to ensure its sustainability and a peaceful resolution to the 25-year legal dispute initiated by the Commune of Saint-Romain-Au-Mont-d’Or, based on town planning law in the face of artistic creation. This dispute was initially protected by the Malraux laws and later by the law of July 7, 2016, concerning freedom of creation, architecture, and heritage. thierry Ehrmann contributed to this through the legal debate he initiated on the status of the artist in France and the freedom of artistic creation.

The surveys, plans, sections, illustrations, orthophotographs for the complete digitization of the 7200 artworks connected to the buildings, outbuildings and surrounding walls over 7,555 m² (generating a digital heritage of 1.2 Terra-Bytes [1 pixel IPTC/GPS DMS = 1mm]) was carried out in 18 months by Philippe Barthélémy, founder of ICONEM (which has done extensive work of the Bamiyan cliffs, Palmyra site etc.) as well as TT Géomètres Experts Group and its 3D Lab. This work was based on the European Commission’s standards for the digitization and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation (2011/711/EU).

The study and the complete digitization of the Abode of Chaos was overseen by martyr heritage specialists led by Dr. Nicolas Detry, a specialized Heritage Architect. N. Detry wrote the main corpus of the section on “Formativity of the Abode of Chaos” with reference to the work of Luigi Pareyson. Raphaëlle Rivière, historian of art & architecture and archaeologist, studied the Total Work of Art (Gesamtkunstwerk) and the Singular Architecture that is the Abode of Chaos / Demeure du Chaos with Nicolas Detry. They were both also the curators of the exhibition “The Abode of Chaos: History of a Sustainable Heritage from the 17th Century to the Present Day” in 2022.

Finally, from a purely pedagogical perspective, the notion ‘total work of art’ (from the German Gesamtkunstwerk) that Madame Rachida Dati, Minister of Culture, has officially recognized in the Abode of Chaos, is an aesthetic concept originating from German romanticism and appearing in the 19th century in Europe. A ‘total work of art’ is characterized by the simultaneous use of numerous artistic mediums and disciplines, and by the symbolic, philosophical or metaphysical significance it holds. Such projects are born from a desire to reflect the interconnectedness of all elements of existence.

thierry Ehrmann opens the doors of the total artwork La Demeure du Chaos to Loïc Ballet & Sébastien Chabal for the TV program En vadrouille on March 9, 2025 (France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France Télévisions group, LB Production):


thierry Ehrmann’s Abode of Chaos is regularly cited by art historians as the artistic continuity of the Merzbau, a monumental spatial assemblage, the culmination of the ‘total work of art’ that the artist Kurt Schwitters worked on in his studio and home in Hanover as of 1923.

At the same time, a number of other studies were conducted, notably on the conservation and restoration of the corpus of works at La Demeure du Chaos. The eminent specialist, Simona Sajeva, a civil engineer and international specialist in the conservation-restoration of historic buildings, and President of the International Scientific Committee on Mural Paintings of ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments and Sites) played a key role in these studies.

La Demeure du Chaos is regularly included in international nominations for selections such as the Watch List of the World Monument Fund proposed by the DIVA (Documentation Interpretation and VAlorization of Heritage) research laboratory of Liège University in Belgium. The DIVA specializes in conservation sciences for art and architecture under the direction of Claudine Houbart, professor, architect, art historian, and specialist in the conservation of monuments and sites. She is also a Doctor in engineering sciences, and President of the Doctoral School at the FNRS (Scientific Research Fund) dedicated to building arts and urban planning, and a member of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on the theory and philosophy of conservation.

This nomination benefited from prestigious sponsorships including the support of Giovanni Carbonara (1942-2023) – professor, architect and Director Emeritus of the School of Specialization of Architectural Heritage and Landscape at the University of Rome, “La Sapienza“, and Special Advisor to UNESCO – and Pierre Hallot – Doctor of Philosophy and Geospatial Information Sciences, professor at Liège University, member of ICOMOS, expert and Belgian Representative of the CIPA (International Committee of Architectural Photogrammetry – Heritage Documentation).


In addition, La Demeure du Chaos has been subject to restoration after thierry Ehrmann reluctantly agreed to the destruction of part of his works to comply with requests from the public authorities. This work was conducted by specialists in listed monuments, including the company Comte (Vinci Group), which, among other projects, has restored the Primatiale Saint Jean in Lyon on several occasions, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The memory of this artistic loss will remain in the martyred heritage thanks to the “Catalogue Raisonné of an Artistic Loss Necessary for Republican Peace” created in 2023, which lists the 450 destroyed works.

Lastly, the dimentions of the “total work of art” of the Abode of Chaos include the global headquarters of Artprice by Artmarket, World Leader in Art Market Information since 1987, listed on the Paris Euronext’s regulated market, as well as Groupe Serveur (Artprice’s principal shareholder) and its legal, scientific, and press agency subsidiaries (since 1985).

The Abode of Chaos is also home to the world’s largest collection of manuscripts, codices and art market sales catalogs kept under exceptionally high security standards. These documents represent the history of the art market from 1700 to the present day, a modern-day ‘Library of Alexandria‘. All the archives belong to Artprice by Artmarket and they have all been scanned annotated and studied by the company’s historians and experts. The company’s underground area also hosts its various data centers, hosting more than 180 data banks of art market information which constitute the global reference for art market professionals all over the world, and for more than 9 million Artprice by Artmarket subscribers. Artprice’s press agency, ArtMarketInsight, distributes Art Market news with its long-standing partner of 27 years, Cision PR Newswire, to 122 countries and in 11 languages.

Of the many descriptions of the Abode of Chaos proposed over the last 25 years, many art historians have used the term ‘total work of art’, while others have described it as a “Black Work of hermetic tradition feeding on the Alchemical Chaos of our tragic and sumptuous 21st century, whose embers were ignited on September 11, 2001.


Various studies from different parts of the world suggest that the genesis of the Abode of Chaos can be traced back to first Masonic trestle boards by thierry Ehrmann at the National Grand Lodge of France in 1985, referring to the remarkable alchemical work “The Philosophers’ Mansions by Fulcanelli.

In addition, over the last twenty-five years, thierry Ehrmann’s Abode of Chaos has regularly been compared to the famous ‘total work of art’ created by “Postman Cheval” with his “Ideal Palace”. Indeed, the reference work on Postman Cheval’s work (published by Postman Cheval’s Ideal Palace in conjunction with the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts and the Musée de la Poste in 2008) described thierry Ehrmann as The Postman Cheval of the 21st century (section titled “Cheval and his artistic lineage”, page 18). The Postman Cheval lineage is clear and unambiguous, and there exists a cultural tour incorporating visits to the two sites for more than 15 years now.

The Abode of Chaos is also home to more than 1,800 geopolitical, literary, scientific, philosophical, artistic, and historical portraits. The portraits reference personalities involved in 90% of the global news regularly covered by written and audiovisual media around the world, as well as thousands of alchemical engravings.

The international press sees the Abode of Chaos as a “body of distinct works” and as an “essential and unique ‘Factory’” that has a key place in the History of Art as the most significant major work of the beginning of the 21st century (see press review, notably the special issue of the The New York Times and Artpress).

It also exists within the realm of ideas. It has sparked exhibitions, debates, numerous books, short and feature films by renowned directors, theses, research, and reverberations across different continents.


In 2024, the 36th Congress of the International Committee of Art History (CIHA) convened in Lyon. On a global scale, the CIHA Congresses have constituted the most unifying events for the entire community of researchers and professionals in the world of art and heritage since 1873.

thierry Ehrmann, CEO and Founder of Artprice declared: “Considering our strategic mission, it is natural for Artprice and the Organe Museum of Contemporary Art that manages the Abode of Chaos, to sponsor the 36th CIHA Congress as one of its principal patrons, with contributions from all of Artprice’s historians and researchers. We were delighted to welcome delegates to the global headquarters of Artprice by Artmarket in the heart of the Organe Contemporary Art Museum and its Abode of Chaos.”

This extraordinary event for Art History, held every four years, contributed to re-emergence of France, which – according to Artprice’s 30th Annual Art Market Report – is now positioned as the second largest public art market in the world in terms of transaction volumes, just behind the United States. In 2024, Paris generated the  4th largest art auction turnover in the world, surpassing both Beijing & Shanghai. 

Copyright 1987-2025 thierry Ehrmann


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Artmarket and its Artprice department were founded in 1997 by thierry Ehrmann, the company’s CEO. They are controlled by Groupe Serveur (created in 1987). cf. the certified biography from Who’s Who In France©:

Artmarket is a global player in the Art Market with, among other structures, its Artprice department, world leader in the accumulation, management and exploitation of historical and current art market information (the original documentary archives, codex manuscripts, annotated books and auction catalogs acquired over the years) in databanks containing over 30 million indices and auction results, covering more than 865,100 artists.

Artprice Images® allows unlimited access to the largest art market image bank in the world with no less than 181 million digital images of photographs or engraved reproductions of artworks from 1700 to the present day, commented by our art historians.


Artmarket, with its Artprice department, constantly enriches its databases from 7,200 auction houses and continuously publishes art market trends for the main agencies and press titles in the world in 119 countries and 9 languages. makes available to its 9.3 million members (members log in) the advertisements posted by its Members, who now constitute the first global Standardized Marketplace® for buying and selling artworks at fixed prices.

There is now a future for the Art Market with Artprice’s Intuitive Artmarket® AI.

Artmarket, with its Artprice department, has twice been awarded the State label “Innovative Company” by the French Public Investment Bank (BPI), which has supported the company in its project to consolidate its position as a global player in the art market.


See our 2024 Global Art Market Annual Report, published in March 2025 by Artprice by Artmarket:

Artprice by Artmarket publishes its 2024 Contemporary Art Market Report:

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whose head office is the famous Museum of Contemporary Art Abode of Chaos dixit The New York Times / La Demeure of Chaos:


La Demeure du Chaos/Abode of Chaos – Total Work of Art and Singular Architecture.
Confidential bilingual work, now made public:

Contact and its Artprice department – Contact:  Thierry Ehrmann, [email protected]

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thierry Ehrmann in front of Brancusi’s painted portrait at The Abode of Chaos


The Entrance of The Abode of Chaos


« The Basin of Vanities » at The Abode of Chaos


« Ground Zero » at The Abode of Chaos


Trump mural at the Abode of Chaos (Time magazine, Butler, PA, 2024)


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Blocks & Headlines: Today in Blockchain – March 25, 2025 | ADGM, Chainlink, Siemens, Donald Trump Jr., Samsara





In an era defined by rapid technological change and unprecedented innovation, blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency ecosystem continue to captivate global attention. Today’s briefing, “Blocks & Headlines: Today in Blockchain,” delves into the most significant developments that are shaping this dynamic landscape. From groundbreaking strategic alliances that aim to set global standards to high-profile summits featuring influential figures, and from cross-industry collaborations addressing data security to pioneering initiatives in workforce automation, the blockchain world is abuzz with transformative trends. In this op-ed-style analysis, we not only summarize the day’s most pivotal news stories but also offer our insights into their broader implications for blockchain, cryptocurrency, Web3, DeFi, and NFTs.

The briefing today is organized into comprehensive sections that cover:

  • The formation of the ADGM and Chainlink Forge Alliance, set to establish new global blockchain standards.

  • A deep dive into Siemens’ collaboration in blockchain to tackle data security across automotive, energy, and healthcare sectors.

  • An exclusive look at Donald Trump Jr.’s keynote at the DC Blockchain Summit, where his insights are poised to influence policy and public perception.

  • A review of emerging trends in blockchain integration within traditional financial systems as detailed in The Banker’s latest coverage.

  • The unveiling of Samsara SAMS’ AI-powered workforce automation platform on the blockchain, a move that promises to reshape operational efficiencies.

Join us as we explore each story in detail and uncover the strategic trends that are driving the blockchain revolution.


I. Introduction: A New Chapter in the Blockchain Revolution

Blockchain technology has matured from its early association with cryptocurrencies into a robust and multifaceted ecosystem that underpins innovations across industries. With applications spanning decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), supply chain management, and beyond, blockchain is no longer seen as a niche interest but as a foundational technology for the digital age. Today’s briefing highlights several stories that underscore this evolution.

At the heart of these developments is the drive to standardize and secure blockchain systems on a global scale. Strategic alliances and collaborative initiatives are now emerging that aim to set best practices and ensure interoperability. The ADGM and Chainlink Forge Alliance, for example, is one such initiative with the potential to shape global standards, while other collaborations are leveraging blockchain’s inherent transparency to address data security in critical sectors.

This day in blockchain is marked by high-level strategic decisions, visionary leadership, and innovative technological integrations that signal the rapid transformation of the blockchain ecosystem. As industry players harness the power of blockchain, they are not only reimagining traditional business models but also forging new paths that will define the future of finance and digital interaction. The stories we cover today provide valuable insights into the forces driving these changes and the opportunities they create for both investors and technologists.

II. ADGM and Chainlink Forge Alliance: Shaping Global Blockchain Standards

A. Overview of the Alliance

In a decisive move to cement the future of blockchain technology, the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) has joined forces with Chainlink Forge to establish an alliance aimed at shaping global blockchain standards and best practices. This strategic partnership brings together the regulatory expertise and financial acumen of ADGM with the technological prowess and decentralized oracle network leadership of Chainlink.

The alliance is expected to serve as a catalyst for creating uniform standards that will streamline cross-border blockchain operations. By bridging the gap between regulatory frameworks and decentralized technology, the partnership aims to reduce barriers to blockchain adoption and foster greater trust in digital assets. As stakeholders in the blockchain ecosystem strive for interoperability and security, the ADGM-Chainlink collaboration is a timely intervention that could set the tone for future regulatory and technological standards.


Source: ADGM

B. Implications for Global Standards

The establishment of global standards in blockchain is an essential step in achieving widespread adoption. Currently, the fragmented nature of regulatory environments and technical protocols poses significant challenges for blockchain interoperability. The ADGM and Chainlink Forge Alliance seeks to address these challenges head-on by developing a comprehensive framework that aligns industry best practices with regulatory requirements.

One of the primary benefits of such standardization is the creation of a more predictable and secure environment for blockchain developers and users alike. Standardized protocols not only reduce operational risks but also enhance the credibility of blockchain applications in the eyes of investors, businesses, and regulators. As this alliance works to define benchmarks for security, data integrity, and interoperability, it will likely catalyze further innovations across sectors such as DeFi, NFTs, and Web3 services.

C. Expert Insights and Industry Reaction

Industry experts have welcomed the ADGM-Chainlink alliance as a necessary development in the maturing blockchain landscape. The initiative is viewed as a proactive measure to bridge the gap between rapid technological advancement and the slower pace of regulatory adaptation. By setting robust standards, the alliance could mitigate many of the risks associated with blockchain technology, such as fraud, data breaches, and systemic vulnerabilities.

Critics, however, caution that the success of such an alliance will depend on its ability to gain broad acceptance across diverse jurisdictions and technological platforms. They emphasize the need for continuous dialogue between regulators, technologists, and industry participants to ensure that the standards remain flexible enough to accommodate future innovations.


D. Opinion: A Bold Step Towards Unified Blockchain Governance

In our view, the ADGM and Chainlink Forge Alliance represents a bold and necessary step toward unified blockchain governance. Standardization is the linchpin for the next phase of blockchain evolution, and this partnership is well positioned to lead the charge. By fostering an environment where technical innovation and regulatory compliance go hand in hand, the alliance not only enhances trust but also paves the way for accelerated adoption across industries. As global markets become increasingly interconnected, the establishment of universal blockchain standards will be crucial for sustaining growth and innovation in the digital economy.

III. Blockchain Collaborations with Siemens: Securing Data Across Industries

A. Siemens and Blockchain: A Strategic Collaboration

In an era where data breaches and cyber threats are ever-present, Siemens has emerged as a key player in leveraging blockchain to enhance data security. A recent report by CoinTelegraph highlights Siemens’ strategic collaborations aimed at addressing data security challenges in automotive, energy, and healthcare sectors. By integrating blockchain technology into its data management processes, Siemens is set to offer unprecedented levels of transparency and security across its operations.

Source: CoinTelegraph

B. Tackling Data Security in Critical Sectors

The collaboration between Siemens and blockchain experts is centered on solving one of the most pressing challenges in modern industry: ensuring the integrity and security of data. In the automotive sector, for instance, blockchain is being used to create immutable records of vehicle data, enhancing the traceability of components and the overall reliability of supply chains. In energy, blockchain solutions are deployed to monitor and secure data related to energy production, distribution, and consumption. Meanwhile, in healthcare, blockchain is helping to safeguard sensitive patient information and streamline clinical data management.

The adoption of blockchain in these sectors underscores its versatility and robustness as a data security tool. By leveraging blockchain’s decentralized architecture, Siemens can ensure that data is not only secure but also verifiable and transparent. This is particularly important in industries where data breaches can lead to catastrophic financial losses, compromised safety, and erosion of consumer trust.


C. Transformative Potential and Economic Impact

The integration of blockchain technology into critical infrastructures has transformative potential. For Siemens, this collaboration represents a strategic pivot towards more secure, efficient, and resilient operational models. The economic impact of such innovations is significant: by reducing the risk of data breaches and improving operational efficiency, companies can save millions in potential losses while also enhancing customer satisfaction.

Moreover, the use of blockchain to secure data has broader implications for regulatory compliance. As governments around the world tighten data protection laws, companies that adopt blockchain solutions will be better positioned to meet stringent regulatory standards. This not only minimizes legal risks but also builds a competitive edge in the global marketplace.

D. Opinion: Securing the Future with Blockchain

From an opinion-driven standpoint, Siemens’ move to collaborate on blockchain-driven data security is a testament to the technology’s maturity and relevance in modern industrial applications. In our view, the adoption of blockchain in sectors such as automotive, energy, and healthcare is not just a technological upgrade—it is a fundamental shift towards a more secure and transparent future. As data continues to be the lifeblood of modern economies, ensuring its security through immutable, decentralized systems is both a strategic imperative and a competitive differentiator. Siemens’ initiative should serve as an inspiration for other industry leaders to explore blockchain’s full potential in safeguarding critical information.

IV. DC Blockchain Summit: Donald Trump Jr. Keynotes a Transformative Event

A. High-Profile Keynote at the DC Blockchain Summit

In a move that has captured global attention, Donald Trump Jr. is set to keynote the DC Blockchain Summit, an event that promises to be a melting pot of ideas, innovations, and strategic insights in the blockchain space. The announcement, reported by GlobeNewswire, marks a significant moment in the convergence of politics, technology, and finance, as influential figures from diverse backgrounds come together to discuss the future of blockchain.

Source: GlobeNewswire


B. The Role of High-Profile Influencers in Blockchain Discourse

The involvement of a figure like Donald Trump Jr. in a blockchain summit underscores the growing intersection between mainstream political discourse and emerging technologies. High-profile keynotes not only elevate the profile of such events but also help to demystify blockchain technology for a broader audience. By engaging with policymakers, business leaders, and technologists, influential figures can drive critical discussions around the regulatory, ethical, and economic dimensions of blockchain.

This convergence of diverse perspectives is essential for the maturation of the blockchain ecosystem. As governments and regulatory bodies grapple with the implications of decentralized technologies, events like the DC Blockchain Summit provide a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and mutual understanding. The insights shared at such events can influence policy decisions, spark innovation, and ultimately pave the way for broader adoption of blockchain solutions.

C. Broader Implications for the Blockchain Community

The DC Blockchain Summit is more than just a conference—it is a reflection of the broader trend towards mainstream acceptance of blockchain technology. With keynotes from influential figures, the summit serves as a beacon of innovation, showcasing cutting-edge developments while also addressing challenges such as regulatory uncertainty, scalability, and security. The participation of Donald Trump Jr. is likely to attract significant media attention, which could help to further educate the public about the benefits and complexities of blockchain technology.

For the blockchain community, events like this are critical in fostering a culture of open dialogue and collaborative problem-solving. They offer a unique opportunity for stakeholders to align their visions, share best practices, and jointly navigate the rapidly evolving digital landscape. The summit’s focus on real-world applications and policy implications is particularly valuable for those who are looking to understand how blockchain can drive meaningful change in traditional industries.

D. Opinion: Bridging the Gap Between Politics and Technology

In our opinion, the keynote by Donald Trump Jr. at the DC Blockchain Summit highlights a pivotal moment in the evolution of blockchain discourse. It symbolizes the bridging of the gap between politics and technology—a necessary convergence as blockchain continues to redefine economic and social paradigms. While some may view the participation of political figures with skepticism, we believe that their engagement can catalyze important conversations and pave the way for more informed policy decisions. The DC Blockchain Summit, with its blend of high-profile influence and technical expertise, embodies the potential of blockchain to transform not just industries, but entire societies.


V. Blockchain in Traditional Finance: Insights from The Banker

A. Blockchain’s Integration into Financial Systems

As the boundaries between traditional finance and digital innovation continue to blur, blockchain technology is making significant inroads into conventional banking and financial services. A recent piece in The Banker provides an insightful analysis of how blockchain is being integrated into financial systems to enhance transparency, efficiency, and security. This integration is seen as a critical evolution in the ongoing digital transformation of the financial sector.

Source: The Banker

B. Key Drivers of Blockchain Adoption in Finance

The financial sector has always been at the forefront of technological innovation, and blockchain is no exception. The core drivers for adopting blockchain in finance include:

  • Enhanced Transparency: Blockchain’s immutable ledger system provides a transparent and auditable record of all transactions, thereby reducing the potential for fraud and enhancing regulatory compliance.

  • Improved Efficiency: By automating complex processes through smart contracts, blockchain can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with traditional banking operations.

  • Strengthened Security: The decentralized nature of blockchain makes it inherently more secure against hacking and cyber threats, which are persistent challenges in the digital age.

  • Financial Inclusion: Blockchain-based solutions have the potential to democratize access to financial services, providing underserved populations with the tools they need to participate in the global economy.

These drivers are reshaping how financial institutions operate, offering new opportunities for innovation and growth. The Banker’s analysis highlights several case studies where blockchain has already begun to transform legacy systems, paving the way for a more agile and resilient financial ecosystem.

C. Economic and Regulatory Considerations

While the benefits of blockchain in finance are compelling, the transition is not without its challenges. The implementation of blockchain solutions in traditional financial systems requires careful navigation of regulatory frameworks, legacy infrastructures, and market dynamics. Financial institutions must balance the promise of innovation with the need for compliance and risk management. As regulators work to update policies to keep pace with technological advances, the integration of blockchain will likely be a gradual process characterized by both opportunity and disruption.


D. Opinion: A Paradigm Shift in Finance

From our perspective, the integration of blockchain into traditional finance represents a paradigm shift that is both inevitable and necessary. The efficiency gains, enhanced security, and transparency offered by blockchain are too significant to ignore. As financial institutions continue to embrace these technologies, they are not only modernizing their operations but also redefining the very nature of trust and accountability in finance. The insights provided by The Banker serve as a reminder that the future of finance is digital, and that blockchain will play a central role in shaping this future.

VI. Samsara SAMS: AI-Powered Workforce Automation on the Blockchain

A. Unveiling a New Frontier in Operational Efficiency

In a move that merges the realms of artificial intelligence and blockchain, Samsara SAMS has unveiled an innovative solution aimed at automating workforce management. This groundbreaking initiative leverages AI-powered algorithms in conjunction with blockchain’s immutable ledger to streamline operations, enhance transparency, and improve accountability within organizations. The announcement, covered in detail by GlobeNewswire, marks a significant development in the application of blockchain technology beyond traditional financial and data security contexts.

Source: GlobeNewswire

B. The Technology Behind Workforce Automation

Samsara SAMS’ new platform is designed to revolutionize workforce automation by integrating AI and blockchain. The system utilizes AI algorithms to optimize scheduling, monitor performance, and predict resource requirements in real time. At the same time, blockchain ensures that every transaction or update in the system is recorded in a secure, tamper-proof manner. This dual approach not only increases operational efficiency but also instills a higher degree of trust among employees and stakeholders.

Key features of the platform include:

  • Real-Time Analytics: AI-driven analytics provide actionable insights that help managers make data-driven decisions.

  • Immutable Record-Keeping: Blockchain technology ensures that all data entries are permanent, transparent, and verifiable.

  • Enhanced Security: The combination of AI and blockchain minimizes the risk of data manipulation and unauthorized access.

  • Scalability: The platform is designed to be scalable, making it suitable for organizations of all sizes, from small enterprises to multinational corporations.

C. Impact on Business Operations and Future Trends

The introduction of AI-powered workforce automation on the blockchain has far-reaching implications for business operations. Companies that adopt this technology can expect to see significant improvements in productivity, reduction in operational costs, and enhanced overall efficiency. Moreover, the transparency and security offered by the blockchain component are likely to lead to better regulatory compliance and reduced risks associated with human error.

This development also signals a broader trend towards the convergence of multiple emerging technologies. By combining the predictive power of AI with the reliability of blockchain, Samsara SAMS is setting a new benchmark for operational innovation that could influence future developments across a wide range of industries.

D. Opinion: Driving Efficiency Through Technological Synergy

In our opinion, the launch of Samsara SAMS’ AI-powered workforce automation platform represents a critical milestone in the evolution of operational technology. It is a prime example of how the convergence of AI and blockchain can drive efficiency and transparency in ways that were previously unimaginable. As organizations increasingly seek to optimize their operations in an increasingly competitive marketplace, such innovations will be pivotal in defining the future of work.

VII. Synthesis: Major Takeaways from Today in Blockchain

A. The Convergence of Innovation and Regulation

Today’s blockchain news highlights a significant trend: the convergence of innovative technology with the need for standardized, regulatory-compliant systems. The ADGM and Chainlink Forge Alliance is setting the stage for global standards, while Siemens’ collaborations and blockchain integration in traditional finance underscore the growing need for secure, efficient data management. These developments are not isolated; they reflect a broader industry-wide shift toward creating an ecosystem that is both innovative and trustworthy.

B. Cross-Industry Collaboration and Its Ripple Effects

The partnerships and collaborations we have discussed today are a testament to the power of cross-industry synergy. Whether it is Siemens joining forces with blockchain experts to enhance data security or blockchain’s penetration into traditional finance as reported by The Banker, these initiatives illustrate that the future of blockchain is one of collaboration. The integration of blockchain across diverse sectors is not only driving technological innovation but also paving the way for economic growth and increased efficiency on a global scale.


C. Influential Voices and Their Role in Shaping the Narrative

High-profile events such as the DC Blockchain Summit, where figures like Donald Trump Jr. are set to keynote, are redefining public discourse around blockchain. These events bring much-needed attention to the technology and catalyze broader conversations about its potential and pitfalls. In our view, the involvement of influential personalities in blockchain events is crucial for demystifying the technology and accelerating its mainstream adoption.

D. The Future of Blockchain: Integration, Innovation, and Impact

As we synthesize the day’s stories, one clear message emerges: blockchain is not a passing trend but a transformative force with the power to reshape industries. The convergence of AI, blockchain, and traditional systems—exemplified by initiatives like Samsara SAMS’ workforce automation—illustrates that the future will be defined by integrated, multi-technology solutions. This dynamic interplay between innovation and regulation will determine how blockchain evolves and the extent to which it influences the digital economy.

VIII. Strategic Implications for Blockchain Stakeholders

Drawing from today’s developments, we offer several strategic recommendations for blockchain stakeholders:

A. Embrace Standardization and Regulatory Compliance

Organizations should prioritize partnerships that work toward establishing standardized blockchain protocols. The ADGM and Chainlink Forge Alliance demonstrates that global standards are essential for fostering trust and interoperability. Companies should actively engage in dialogues with regulatory bodies to help shape frameworks that support innovation while ensuring security and compliance.

B. Leverage Cross-Industry Collaborations

The future of blockchain lies in collaboration. Stakeholders in sectors as diverse as automotive, energy, healthcare, and finance must seek out partnerships that allow them to harness blockchain’s full potential. Collaborative initiatives not only reduce operational risks but also open new avenues for economic growth and innovation.


C. Invest in Integrated Technologies

The convergence of blockchain with AI and other emerging technologies offers significant competitive advantages. Organizations should consider investing in integrated platforms that combine the strengths of multiple technologies to drive efficiency, transparency, and security. The case of Samsara SAMS is a prime example of how technological synergy can transform operational processes.

D. Enhance Public and Stakeholder Engagement

Engaging with the public and key stakeholders is crucial for the broader adoption of blockchain. High-profile summits and keynotes—like the DC Blockchain Summit—play an important role in educating the market and shaping public opinion. Companies should leverage these platforms to demonstrate the tangible benefits of blockchain and foster greater understanding and trust in the technology.

E. Prioritize Security and Data Integrity

As blockchain becomes more integrated with critical business operations, ensuring data security and integrity is paramount. Investments in advanced cybersecurity measures, coupled with blockchain’s inherent transparency, will be critical in safeguarding digital assets against fraud and cyber threats.

IX. Expert Commentary: Reflections on Today’s Blockchain Landscape

A. The Transformative Impact of Strategic Alliances

The formation of alliances such as the ADGM and Chainlink Forge collaboration signals a turning point in the blockchain ecosystem. In our expert view, such initiatives are instrumental in accelerating the adoption of blockchain by establishing robust frameworks that can support global scalability. These partnerships are not merely technological collaborations—they are strategic moves that can redefine industry norms and enhance the overall credibility of blockchain solutions.

B. The Role of Blockchain in Securing Critical Infrastructure

The application of blockchain in data security, as demonstrated by Siemens’ collaborations, is a game changer for industries where data integrity is critical. By providing an immutable record of transactions, blockchain not only mitigates risks but also fosters trust in systems that are vulnerable to cyber threats. This is particularly relevant in sectors such as automotive, energy, and healthcare, where the stakes are extraordinarily high.


C. The Intersection of Politics, Technology, and Public Discourse

The DC Blockchain Summit, with Donald Trump Jr. at the helm, represents a fascinating intersection of politics and technology. In our analysis, this convergence is both promising and challenging. While the involvement of political figures can drive significant attention and investment into blockchain, it also necessitates a careful balance between populist narratives and technical realities. The outcome of such engagements will have long-term implications for how blockchain is perceived and regulated.

D. Opinion: A New Era for Blockchain

In our opinion, today’s stories collectively herald a new era for blockchain technology—one characterized by standardization, cross-industry collaboration, and the integration of complementary technologies such as AI. While challenges remain, particularly in terms of regulatory alignment and data security, the momentum behind blockchain is undeniable. As stakeholders continue to innovate and collaborate, blockchain is poised to become a cornerstone of the digital economy, driving efficiency, transparency, and trust in ways that were once thought impossible.

X. Conclusion: Key Takeaways from Today’s Blockchain Briefing

Today’s briefing has provided a panoramic view of the multifaceted blockchain landscape. Here are the major takeaways:

  1. Standardization and Regulatory Alignment: The ADGM and Chainlink Forge Alliance is setting the stage for global blockchain standards, a critical step towards interoperability and widespread adoption.

  2. Cross-Industry Innovation: From Siemens’ blockchain collaborations addressing data security challenges to the integration of blockchain in traditional finance as highlighted by The Banker, the technology is penetrating diverse sectors, driving innovation and economic growth.

  3. Influential Leadership and Public Engagement: High-profile events such as the DC Blockchain Summit, featuring keynotes by influential figures like Donald Trump Jr., are reshaping public discourse and accelerating mainstream acceptance of blockchain technology.

  4. Technological Synergy: The unveiling of Samsara SAMS’ AI-powered workforce automation platform on the blockchain exemplifies how the convergence of AI and blockchain can unlock new efficiencies and transform operational paradigms.

  5. Future Outlook: Despite challenges, the overall trajectory of blockchain is decidedly upward. With strategic alliances, collaborative innovations, and a growing emphasis on security and standardization, blockchain is set to become an integral part of the global digital infrastructure.

In summary, the blockchain landscape is undergoing rapid transformation. Stakeholders across industries must remain agile, engage in proactive collaborations, and invest in integrated technological solutions to stay ahead of the curve. As blockchain continues to redefine the future of finance, data security, and digital engagement, today’s developments provide a clear roadmap for navigating the challenges and seizing the opportunities of this exciting new era.

The post Blocks & Headlines: Today in Blockchain – March 25, 2025 | ADGM, Chainlink, Siemens, Donald Trump Jr., Samsara appeared first on News, Events, Advertising Options.

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Blockchain Press Releases

Request Finance Hits $1 Billion in Bill Payments, Secures Strategic Funding to Scale Stablecoins & Fiat Finance




PARIS, March 25, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Businesses are rapidly adopting stablecoins and crypto for payments. Request Finance has now processed over $1 billion in transactions, proving that demand for secure, compliant finance solutions is stronger than ever. To drive its next phase of growth, the company has also secured new strategic funding, backed by Bpifrance (the French sovereign investment bank), alongside continued support from leading investors such as Balderton and Xange, as well as key clients.

Powering the Future of Crypto & Fiat Finance

Request Finance has become the go-to platform for managing stablecoins, crypto, and fiat payments. The software enables businesses to send, receive, and track transactions securely and compliantly. Industry leaders like The Sandbox, OpenZeppelin, Arbitrum, Bonk, and Beam rely on Request Finance to manage accounts payable, receivable, and on-chain accounting.

“With over $1 billion in bill payments processed, we’re proving that crypto, especially stablecoins, is no longer just an alternative. It’s becoming the backbone of global business finance,” said Christophe Lassuyt, CEO of Request Finance. “This milestone, combined with our latest funding, allows us to double down on product innovation, compliance, and partnerships, making crypto payments safer, easier, and more scalable than ever.”

Strategic Growth: Acquisitions & Compliance Leadership


Request Finance continues to expand its capabilities through strategic acquisitions. The recent acquisition of Consola Finance (now Request Accounting) strengthens its crypto accounting suite; while the acquisition of (Now Request Technologies) makes on and off-ramping a breeze, ensuring businesses can move seamlessly between crypto and fiat.

The company is also advancing its compliance efforts in preparation for MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets) regulation, reinforcing its role as a trusted, regulatory-compliant solution for crypto finance across Europe and beyond.

A Defining Moment for Crypto Payments

With a record-breaking $1 billion in payments, new funding, and strategic acquisitions, Request Finance is accelerating the mainstream adoption of crypto for global business operations. Request Finance is a trusted leader as more enterprises seek secure, scalable, and compliant ways to integrate stablecoins into their finance operations.

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About Request Finance

Request Finance is the leading all-in-one platform for managing crypto and fiat operations. It provides businesses with a secure, compliant, automated invoicing, bill payments, and crypto accounting solution. Hundreds of companies rely on Request Finance to process over $1 billion in transactions, ensuring regulatory compliance while streamlining their financial operations.


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Blockchain Press Releases

Bybit Unveils Equity Trailing Stop For Enhanced Risk Management and Profit Protection




DUBAI, UAE, March 25, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Bybit, the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, is excited to announce the launch of Equity Trailing Stop, designed to empower traders with smarter risk control and profit protection. This intelligent tool allows users to trade with greater discipline by automating exit strategies, minimizing the potential risk of emotional pitfalls of trading.

The Equity Trailing Stop feature is available for Copy Trading Classic and is compatible with Spot Grid, Futures Grid, and Futures Combo bots, making it a versatile addition to any trading toolkit on Bybit’s one-stop trading platform.

In Copy Trading Classic, Bybit’s Equity Trailing Stop feature automatically adjusts exit points based on equity, providing protection from potential losses and effortlessly locking in profits. For Trading Bots, it recalibrates exit points to secure earnings, featuring customizable trailing parameters that align with various trading strategies.

Key Benefits:

  • Automated Risk Management: Once configurated, the feature intelligently adjusts exit points based on real-time market conditions, liberating traders from the stress of constant monitoring 24/7 markets.
  • Seamless Integration: This tool can be easily incorporated into Copy Trading and Trading Bots on Bybit, enhancing overall trading efficiency and risk management.
  • 24/7 Trading Vigilance: With high precision execution, traders can closely monitor sharp price fluctuations and establish exact take-profit and stop-loss parameters, such as retracement rates, to protect their gains and streamline risk control.
  • Enhanced Control Over Profits and Losses: The feature allows traders to time profit-taking or minimizing losses at optimal moments, effectively mitigating retracement risks while maximizing long-term portfolio growth potential.

“The Equity Trailing Stop is a diligent and powerful co-pilot for traders who use automation and algorithm trading as part of their strategies. The new tool simplifies risk management, allowing Bybit users to stay disciplined and focused on their trading goals. This addition to our trading suite is part of our commitment to providing innovative solutions that enhance the trading experience,” said Joan Han, Sales and Marketing Director of Bybit.

To activate the feature, traders can set an Equity Trailing Stop percentage ranging from 5% to 99% when configuring Copy Trading parameters or creating a bot. This protective feature monitors positions and, once triggered, automatically closes any active Copy Trading positions or terminates running bots to help manage risk exposure. The Equity Trailing Stop operates by calculating exit equity through continuous updates based on the highest recorded equity in an account, ensuring the ability to capitalize on market movements while safeguarding investments.


Users may find out more at: Introducing Equity Trailing Stop: Smarter Risk Control & Profit Protection.

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About Bybit

Bybit is the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, serving a global community of over 60 million users. Founded in 2018, Bybit is redefining openness in the decentralized world by creating a simpler, open and equal ecosystem for everyone. With a strong focus on Web3, Bybit partners strategically with leading blockchain protocols to provide robust infrastructure and drive on-chain innovation. Renowned for its secure custody, diverse marketplaces, intuitive user experience, and advanced blockchain tools, Bybit bridges the gap between TradFi and DeFi, empowering builders, creators, and enthusiasts to unlock the full potential of Web3. Discover the future of decentralized finance at

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