Reading Time: 3 minutes The estimated $15.7trn economic potential of artificial intelligence (AI)[1] will only be realised if the integration of responsible AI practices occurs across organisations, and...
Reading Time: 3 minutes Renewable energy technology advances, innovation in storage and digitization and increased distributed energy generation are accelerating the pace of the global...
Reading Time: 3 minutes Gogoro®, a technology leader transforming how innovation is accelerating the shift to sustainable urban mobility, today announced GoShare®, the first fully...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Wirecard, the global innovation leader for digital financial technology, and CreditPilot, a banking and B2B2C-focused fintech, have announced the signing of...
Reading Time: 1 minute PremFina Ltd (“PremFina” or the “Company”), the first venture capital backed premium finance company to offer a proprietary software as a...
Reading Time: 1 minute The Real Estate and Mortgage Institute of Canada Inc. (REMIC), provider of both mortgage agent courses for licensing and life insurance...
Reading Time: 2 minutes Digitate, a software venture of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), (BSE: 532540, NSE: TCS) a leading global IT services, consulting and business...
Reading Time: 1 minute Alliance University in collaboration with KPI Consulting Services Private Limited, would be hosting the Bangalore Block Chain Summit – 2019, on...
Reading Time: 2 minutes AvaTrade, the leading forex and CFD broker, announced today the addition of 3 new digital currency pairs – NEOUSD, EOSUSD and...
Reading Time: 3 minutes Fostering an Innovation Culture New edition of the program is more international and with an alignment in the themes of sustainable...