In a digital world where fortunes can be made overnight, a new tale of ambition and potential unfolds with Option2Trade (O2T), a DeFi titan offering a...
New analysis has identified which popular blockchains most successfully returned users’ funds lost due to scams over the last year – with HECO Chain crowned top....
Over the last few years crypto has begun to integrate with sports through the introduction of crypto fan tokens. Purchasing these tokens allows fans to invest...
In 2023, it is estimated around $2 billion was lost by investors to scams, rug pulls and hacks. Although the technology is becoming more secure and...
A former British finance minister on Wednesday joined cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase as a global advisor, beefing up the company’s regulatory bargaining power at a time when...
Global payment giant Visa is doubling down on cryptocurrency adoption by enabling another method to exchange crypto to fiat currencies without using a centralized exchange. Visa...
Barclays has become the first high street bank to reveal more branch closures this year, with 20 new sites earmarked to shut. The bank is now...
Encompass Corporation has acquired two compliance startups – CoorpID and Blacksmith – developed by Dutch bank ING. Founded by ING Labs in 2018, CoorpID allows global...
JPMorgan Chase has anchored a $300 million investmnet round in quantum computing startup Quantinuum, valuing the business at $5 billion. Additional participants include Mitsui & Co.,...
South African digital bank TymeBank has reached its first months of profitability five years after launch. TymeBank is currently one of the world’s fastest-growing digital banks,...